Shop the highest quality PANJIT PJQ5476AL POTENS Semiconductor PDC966X N-channel DFN5X6-8 MOSFETs directly from our factory. Get reliable performance and durability. Order now!
PANJIT PJQ5476AL POTENS Semiconductor PDC966XThe voltage BVDSS of WINSOK WSD45N10GDN56 FET is 100V, the current is 45A, the resistance is 14.5mΩ, the channel is N-channel, and the package is DFN5X6-8.E-cigarettes MOSFET, wireless charging MOSFET, motors MOSFET, drones MOSFET, medical care MOSFET, car chargers MOSFET, controllers MOSFET, digital products MOSFET, small household appliances MOSFET, consumer electronics MOSFET.