Get the powerful {Nxperian PSMN1R-4ULD POTENS PDC262X N-channel DFN5X6-8 MOSFETs} from our factory. Explore our wide range of innovative electronic products.
Nxperian MOSFET PSMN1R-4ULD. POTENS Semiconductor MOSFET PDC262X.The voltage BVDSS of WINSOK WSD25280DN56G FET is 25V, the current is 280A, the resistance is 0.7mΩ, the channel is N-channel, and the package is DFN5X6-8.High Frequency Point-of-Load Synchronous、Buck Converter、Networking DC-DC Power System、Power Tool Application,E-cigarettes MOSFET, wireless charging MOSFET, drones MOSFET, medical care MOSFET, car chargers MOSFET, controllers MOSFET, digital products MOSFET, small household appliances MOSFET, consumer electronics MOSFET.