AO4832 AO4838 AO4914 NTMS4916N Si4128DY BSO15N3MD G SM483DSK PDS3812 MOSFETs
AO4832 AO4838 AO4914 NTMS4916N Si4128DY BSO15N3MD G SM483DSK PDS3812 MOSFETs
Choose high-quality MOSFETs from our factory. We offer a range of products including AO4832, AO4838, AO4914, NTMS4916N, Si4128DY, BSO15N3MD, GSM483DSK, PDS3812, and more. Shop now for reliable and efficient performance.
AOS AO4832 AO4838 AO4914 Onsemi NTMS4916N VISHAY Si4128DY INFINEON IR BSO15N3MD G Sinopower SM483DSK POTENS Semiconductor PDS3812The voltage BVDSS of WINSOK WSP4888 FET is 30V, the current ID is 9.8A, the internal resistance RDSON is 13.5mΩ, Dual N-Channel, and the package is SOP-8.E-cigarette MOSFET, wireless charging MOSFET, motor MOSFET, drone MOSFET, medical MOSFET, car charger MOSFET, controller MOSFET, digital product MOSFET, small household appliances MOSFET, consumer electronics MOSFET.